
Beef Shank


1-2 packs of Ky Darling Shank

1 clove of garlic or ½ teaspoon of garlic powder

5 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

3-5 cups of liquid (enough to cover the meat)

Options: bone broth, 1 can of beer with 2-4 cups of water, or 1 cup red wine with 3-4 cups water

Place shank in crock pot cover with liquid, dash of salt 5 table spoons of Worcestershire sauce, 1 clove garlic, let cook all day about 10 hours, ideally cook at 9am its ready at 6pm. After it’s cooked all day place shank on plate it should be falling apart. Discard the bone and there will be a little bit off connecting tissue you will want to pull off and discard it will be easy because its now super tender and falling apart. Now its ready to be covered in your favorite BBQ sauce. This recipe is great with tacos, sandwiches or warm gravy!